Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday October 29,2009

Today in clinic I saw my class II patient back. I was able to finish him and had a lot of time to spare. It was nice to complete him. I also finished several PE'S like the accessory fulcrum and air powder polisher. It was nice to get these out of the way. My afternoon patient was a class 1B I really didn't need another patient in this category, but it is nice to just have a patient in the chair. Only 5 more weeks of the semester I still have a lot of requirements left. Hope all goes well in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday October 22,2009

Today in clinic, we had morning lab and saw a patient in the afternoon. It was a good day today. It was nice to learn all of the things that we did in the morning lab so that we can pass our p.e.'s off. We learned about CRE assessment, blood glucose testing, subgingival irrigation, medicaments and accessory fulcrums. I am excited to be able to treat my pt's with medicaments. My patient in the afternoon was so nice. She was 81 years old and was a class five. She was so gracious that I cleanied her teeth. I love treating patient's like her.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today was our mockboard day. It was a better day than I thought it would be. My patient came on time and was very cooperative. I was a bit worried about the paper work but that went well. I am so glad that the day is over. I hope that the actual board day turns out as good as today. It seems like I stressed out more than I needed to.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday October 2 2009

What fun local anesthestia is. We gave each other injections the last two fridays. I thought it would be more scary than it is. All went well both days. Tomarrow we give injections on the left side both maxillary and mandibular. I like the LA class it has been really fun.

Thursday October 8, 2009

Today in clinic, my class III patient came back and I was able to finish 2 quads of the cleaning. I could have finished the rest of his mouth, but he is taking a new medication so I needed a physician consult. I ended up cleaning half of the right side with out LA. I sure hope that I didn't hurt my patient. My second patient for the day was a really nice lady that had really great homecare for being 75. I was amazed at how healthy her tissues are. I hope that my teeth and gums are that healthy when I'm her age. I had a good week in clinic. Next week is mockboards hopefully all goes well.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday October 1,2009

Today in clinic, I got lucky and found my mockboard patient. Yeah! No more stress trying to find one. My patient seems like he will be dependable. The mockboard is only 2 weeks away. I hope that the day goes good for me. Tomarrow we will be giving each other injections on the mandibular (IA and LB). Last week I was pretty scared to give an injection, but it wasn't as hard as I thought. Hopefully tomarrow will be the same. It was actually pretty fun. Clinic has been going good I just need to get caught up on the P.E.'s and eaglesoft patient inputs.