Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday April 20, 2009

Today in clinic I saw a friend of ours. The day went really smooth. My patient was a class 1B. There wasn't much calculus so I had him checked out by 10:00. It is nice to almost be done with this semester. Yeah summer is just around the corner.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monday April 13,2009

My experience on Monday, was really good. I saw a class 1B patient and was able to do 12 sealants on my patient. It is nice to finally have all of my requirements completed. It is nice to see the rainbow at the end of the tunnel. I hope that next year goes smooth.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday April 6,2009

Today in clinic I saw my brother-in-law. He was a Class II. I felt like he had a lot of hard calculus to remove. It took me 70 minutes and I had about 4-5 errors. I feel like this is quite a lot of errors for me. I usually only have a couple of errors. It was kind of hard because my brother-in-laws teeth are very sensitive, but he didn't want to be numbed today. I also felt like he had woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. He was a little grumpy. I do feel like a did a good job cleaning his teeth. Hopefully in 6 months the job will be easier.

Dental Screening Friday April 3,2009

On Friday I came in special to find my class III patient. At first this was very discouraging because I had to turn my patient away due to uncontrolled diabetes. The appointment was very long for both the patient and I. We had to try to get a physician consult, but was unable to get it. I did learn a lot of things this day though. I had never faxed a physician consult or had a patient with uncontrolled diabetes. We also had to take the patients blood glucose in the clinic. I was able to watch a 2nd year student perform this on the patient. I feel that this is going to help me for next year having already seeing the process. After turning my patient away I was a little discouraged because I had come in on my day off from school and did not get my class III, but then one of the 2nd year students came and said that she had 4 quads of a class III. Both Candace and I needed 2 quads so we were able to split the quads to fill our requirement. I feel like the patient will be very reliable due to he is deporting in a couple of weeks. I hope all works well on Wednesday.